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Upload Golf League Documents

Yes! ... You can upload your

golf league documents

to the your league web site!
Undoubtedly one of the most powerful features offered by GolfLeague! The admin file manager and the admin upload manager allow the administrator to create and upload documents to the league website. This is a very easy procedure that gives unique personalization to the GolfLeague software.
Members have access to league documents.

Upload Documents

The example above is a screen shot of two documents up-loaded to the league documents area of the Liberty league. Clicking the "League Rules" link for example, opens the rules document in a MS Word document. The member can then view the document or save it to his/her own computer if desired.

Most file types can be uploaded!

Most files: PDF, MS Word, Excel, Gif , JPEG and more can be easily uploaded to the league web site. The admin can decide what to publish for members and what would be only available to other appointed administrators.

This is an extremely powerful feature that gives the admin the ability to add unique content to the league web site. that software alone could never provide (i.e. League Rules, Tournament Rules, Event Schedules, Special Notices, etc.)..

The admin can change the order, publish, unpublish and delete files.

The administrator has complete control of who has access to documents!

The admin can decide what to publish for members and what would be only available to other appointed administrators. We call this "Publish" (all members have access) and "Un-Publish" (only available to administrators).
files types

The Upload Console

Above is a screen shot of the Admin Upload Console.

  • File order can be moved up and down in the list.
  • You can name the file or use the existing name.
  • Uploaded file size is displayed.
  • Control publishing to the member pages.
  • Delete files as needed.

This feature alone is worth the price of admission!

No other software maker gives so much control over the golf league web site!

Since every Golf league is unique, it is impossible to have a unique program for every situation. So that's why the golf league software includes the ability to upload your own documents. GolfLeague accepts most file types; MS word, Excel, text and other popular types of program files.

Most leagues have rules documents and that is an example of the type of document to upload. All the league members have access to the uploaded files so it's easy to upload documents to keep members updated. Other document types would include: special events, special golf statistics, tee times, outings, golf course information and generally any information not standard or included in the GolfLeague.us golf league software.