Instructions for entering points:

Points are awarded according to your league rules.

GolfLeague does not determine the rules, but you can set the rules for how points are to be applied in your league set-up. GolfLeague does have the ability to calculate points automatically if you enter scores hole by hole and provides a variety of ways that points can be applied (see the points section in your "League Configuration").

If you do not enter hole by hole scores, you can calculate points on the card and enter them into the software program when you enter the scores. Points are applied to the correct individual and/or team depending on your league type.

Note: You can enter points for a player without entering a score if needed.
(i.e. an absent player may be awarded a minimum number of points)

If you do not know how to award points, here's a popular method:

  • Hole by Hole, a player gives strokes according to handicap to another player.
  • Each player earns 1 point for each hole won & 1/2 point for each hole tied.
  • The match is worth 2 points using Net Score (Score - Handicap), 1 point for a tie
  • If you won all 9 holes plus the match, you could win a maximum of 11 points.
  • Alternately, you could award 1 point for the match for a possible 10 points.